Saturday, April 2, 2011

Preparing for Rwanda Africa

We have been presented with an opportunity to participate in a mission trip to Rwanda, Africa in May, 2011. Our group will be a part of the Saddleback Church “Clean Water Initiative.” Our mission is to promote health and hygiene, as well as clean, safe, and accessible water through the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. We will be facilitating projects such as educating and networking, while sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
We believe God has shown us how we can contribute directly to this effort and help fulfill His commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15. You can read more about our hosts mission work at
We’ve learned that 88% of all diseases in the developing world are caused by lack of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. Cholera, hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery and parasites are some of the sicknesses that are spread by contaminated water. Over 6,000 children die every day! Treating one person for a waterborne illness often costs more than providing a whole village with clean water for an entire year.
We are writing to ask for your help in a few areas. First and foremost, we are asking that you pray for the success of our trip. Next, we are asking for your financial support if you can assist. We truly believe the Lord is directing this project and your financial donation will be used for this purpose. We need to raise about $7,000.00 to cover travel expenses for this mission trip to Rwanda. Your donation is tax deductable. Checks should be made out to “Saddleback Church Trip ID#6728” and sent to the address below. Yes, the money is important to us, but “where He guides, He provides,” so we know He will make a way, but we need to be assured that People of Faith are interceding as we take on this important mission trip.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and giving your support. We would love the opportunity to tell you about our experiences when we return.

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